Speaker Development
When you want to make effective presentations in business or academic settings:
- Speak with confidence and focus on getting intended results
- Establish and maintain a strong audience connection
- Deliver clear, concise, compelling messages
- Increase your impact by aligning your verbal, vocal and visual behaviors
Leadership Development
When you want to build strong relationships and influence others:
- Communicate authentically
- Enlist others in a common vision
- Inspire and motivate your audience to action
- Foster collaboration by building trust and promoting shared goals
Faculty Development
When you want to enhance teaching performance:
- Expand your range of dynamic expressiveness
- Adopt active learning approaches to increase student engagement
- Create compelling visuals to reinforce your words
- Strengthen your presentation skills and increase your presence in the classroom
of the Coach
When you want to become more effective in managing and developing others:
- Engage in coaching conversations that motivate clients or employees to improve performance
- Use techniques to enhance coaching interactions and relationships
- Achieve intended outcomes through skillful communication
- Increase effectiveness through coaching practice in a feedback-rich environment